Oil Sludge Recycling – InnoTechnologies Oy

Oil and mineral oil spills is a global environmental problem

Oil and mineral oil spills make up on average up to 5% of the total turnover of oil products in the oil-producing countries.


Our technology, in the form of a mobile unit for oil sludge processing, allows you to extract refined oil and return it into production

After purification oil product has commercial value again. Recycling sludge products are water and soil. The degree of purification allows using the soil and water for technical purposes

Collaboration with partners


Offer for investors

We create a network of regional enterprises for oil sludge processing. Investors invest in the equipment of a service company.

Under certain conditions contribution can be as an interest-bearing loan. Return on investment is 6 months from the start of work on the object.


For oil sludge owners

We offer services for oil sludge processing. The equipment meets all Russian and European standards.

The final product (refined oil or crude oil) can be returned to the customer or credited as payment under certain conditions.

processing cost, from

Development of service networks

We offer oil sludge processing in your area. (Federal license of all kinds dealing with hazardous waste III - IV class)

Attracting investors to the projects, development of a regional network and other issues, please contact via the contact form.

productivity per year, from

Have any questions?
Call us FIN
+358 44 919 0061
Call us ENG
+358 40 715 3682
Call us FRA
+358 41 790 1532