Mineral processing – InnoTechnologies Oy

Ecological problem and solutions

Ecological problem

Large processing plants operate with a capacity of 65-85% on average, so that over the years there accumulated a huge amount of once processed ore with a certain content of non-ferrous metals, on average, 15-35% of the original content of non-ferrous metal.

The low content of non-ferrous metal in the ore does not allow the plants to reprocess their waste and extract the rest of non-ferrous metal content after the first treatment. Re-processing cost is higher than the cost of recoverable non-ferrous metal. The waste accumulated over the years since the contence of, for example, mercury or parts of cyanide doen’t allow to realize the spent ore for any purpose. Waste of such plants - is an environmental problem.

Our solution

The Finnish company Inno Technologies Oy has developed a technology and a mobile unit, which has a high mobility and productivity. The unit is an Offshore Container of 40 feet, which can be moved to the territory of mining and processing complex, and perform the following functions:

Extraction of gold, platinum or any other rare-earth metals from alluvial deposits of sand, crushed ore indigenous materials and technogenic dumps of processing plants.
Cleansing of contaminated soil from heavy metals.

The work is performed by the Finnish Company Inno Minerals Oy

Our equipment represents mobile modules, with autonomous power supply. Attraction of technologies of our company excludes need of a stop of the basis production cycle or any intervention in production schedules of the operating production.

MMC-240 complex is designed to:

  • eco-friendly mining production, enrichment and extraction of minerals from ores and technogenic dumps without use of cyanides and mercury.
  • cleaning of tails of gold deposits from mercury.
  • operation of fields on the basis of environmentally friendly methods without use of cyanides and mercury.
  • conversion of ores and tails of the technogenic dumps containing precious and rare-earth metals.
  • purification of contaminated soil from heavy metals.
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tons per hour




feed size


mm, max



kg, no more than

The main advantage of the technology is the mobility of the installation and the low cost of the enrichment process.

In this way, our technology does not claim a share of market which has been divided for a long time, but it will help existing owners of mines and miners to extract profits from the ore, which they regarded as the forced waste.

The Finnish operator - Inno Minerals Oy
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