Disclaimer – InnoTechnologies Oy



Before making an investment decision or entering into a transaction, you must carefully weigh the decision. Any investment activity carries risks.
For each individual project, the investor makes the decision personally, individually after reviewing all materials provided by the project.
On these pages, contain information about InnoTech Group projects, as well as its affiliates and / or subsidiaries.

All materials are available on the websites of InnoTech Group, are presented for informational purposes only, without taking into account the investment objectives and / or financial situation, or means of individual users, nor does it take into account any whatsoever investment objectives, financial situation or needs individual users.

InnoTech Group is not responsible for any whatsoever damages arising as a result of investments made on the basis of any recommendations, projections and other information contained in the review.

The contents of this publication should not be construed as an explicit or implicit promise or guarantee package from the InnoTech Group about what customers will be able to profit, adhering projects set forth herein or that losses associated with them can be or will be limited.